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Broadband Regulatory Metrics

A unified package designed for telecoms regulators and anyone concerned with regulatory affairs.

International comparisons are essential for the effective, evidence-based regulation of broadband markets.

Point Topic provides the ideal basis for making comprehensive and up-to-date comparisons of the broadband environment in different countries.

How can Point Topic can help regulators

Our Broadband Regulatory Metrics service provides regulators, and anyone who is concerned with regulatory decisions, with the international comparison data needed to make decisions quickly. It gives greater confidence that they will be able to stand up to any challenges which may face them.

Point Topic was the first company to provide systematic, regularly updated, worldwide tracking of broadband subscriber numbers, services and tariffs.

Broadband Regulatory Metrics combines data from Point Topic’s established services – Global Broadband Statistics.

Questions the service can answer

How does your country compare with its peers:

  • On broadband tariffs?

  • On broadband numbers and penetration?

  • On the share of superfast technologies in its broadband market?

  • Is your country speeding ahead, catching up or falling behind?

  • What is the up-to-date position?

These questions are repeatedly asked by politicians, the media and the general public.

Point Topic’s Broadband Regulatory Metrics Service is the source that can give regulators and network operators the answers.

The data is transparent and up-to-date, tracking current trends rather than reflecting the situation a year or more ago.

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