What We Offer
Data available down to NUTS3 across Europe
Time Series
From 2011 to present day
Open Models
Transparent sourcing and open models
Raw Data
For your own models, machine learning and analytic teams
Choose Your Scope of Data & Maps
Specific countries at NUTS3 level/other administrative groups
EU28+3 (Norway, Iceland, Switzerland) at NUTS3
Point Location
Ask us to break out specific areas, queries or operators
Exclusive Data
While some data is available in most European markets on the bandwidths and technologies present in an area, the presence of particular operators or ISPs and market shares is much more difficult to obtain.
The Point Topic service brings together a wide range of data from multiple sources. Users can see how broadband availability and take-up vary within a country, between urban and rural areas in a province, or, if they choose that option, down to the square kilometre level. No other source combines this breadth of coverage and depth of detail.
Geographic & Demographic
» Country
» NUTS3 Region
» Land area
» Population Density (pp km sq)
» Total / Rural / Urban HHs
» % Rural
» Broadband coverage (% HH by speed)
» Overall fixed/NGA broadband coverage
» Coverage by technology
Operator & Tariff Data
» Operators in area
» Tariffs in area - price, bandwidth, technology
» Modelled take-up operator, technology and tariff tier
Speed Tests
» Download / Upload / Latency
» Latitude / Longitude
» Connection Type / Hashed Device ID
» Measurement server POP / Date Time
The supply and demand of broadband will be a key question for Europe in the next decade. Gigabit connectivity is a driving element for innovation and investment in both home and work environments.
Point Topic helps a range of clients understand the market, gain interest and insight and contribute to plans for Europe from local to national to EC projects.
» Broadband service providers can develop their strategy. Where can we best grow our superfast customer base? How can we maximize our market share?
» Marketing internet services can discover where to target for best effect. Where can we promise users a good OTT experience? How can we benchmark our success?
» Broadband vendors can profile and scale their markets. Where is the potential demand? What volumes are likely? How will user needs vary between markets?
» Policy makers can identify the priorities for intervention. Which areas need it most? What are their likely funding needs? What are the technology options?
» Investors can find the best opportunities. Where is the investment needed? Which choices are best taking scale, competition and local factors into account?
Point Topic was the first to map broadband across Europe at province level and below. We developed our European Kilometre Grid (EKG) to enable finer granularity in mapping. Using the EKG we can examine population densities across Europe – vitally important for broadband coverage. Data-led research and linear modelling allow us to optimise estimates for broadband take-up across geographies.
Point Topic’s proprietary research on broadband coverage and take-up is unique. Developed through key contracts with the European Commission and the European Space Agency, Point Topic’s database is now an independent product, not constrained by issues of commercial confidentiality or official policy. Clients are free to use the data for marketing, competitive analysis or benchmarking.
We help you cope with the vast databases, ponds, lakes and oceans that abound in the information age. Outputs are curated by our analysts and through the prism of our experience, you can decipher the full spectrum of input.
If you start with incorrect inputs then you risk your assumptions and investments. Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO) refers to the effect of badly sourced, normalised and contextualised data has on your models and understanding of the markets.
Point Topic’s European Broadband Markets offers a consistency of output across geographies, EC and the fringes, that allows direct and reliable understanding of supply, demand and potential.
We have extensive experience in recognising and compensating for the issues from straight forward data alignment to deep research and understanding of the sourcing and credibility of the original sources and bases of the data.
We allow you to maintain a reliable, transparent and auditable chain of data, sourcing and manipulation.
Output Fields | Granularity | Coverage | Price EUR |
Operator, Speed Test Results, Time Series | Point Location (long/lat) | Global | |
Operators, Technology (broad/estimates), Bandwidths | NUTS3 | EU28+3 | 7500 |
Bandwidths (tiers), Technology (broad) | NUTS3 | EU28+3 | 3500 |