Global Broadband Statistics
Point Topic has gathered and analysed global broadband data for over 15 years. We offer the most complete set of country and operator subscriber statistics to give you the best coverage in the broadband, IPTV and VOIP markets. Combined with 5-year subscriber forecasts and regular analyst reports, Global Broadband Statistics gives you the complete package.

Latest subscriber numbers at operator and country level published every 3 months
Breakdown numbers for all major technologies (DSL, cable modem, FTTx etc.)
5-year broadband forecasts for 100 countries
More than 170,000 quarterly fixed broadband tariffs from around the world.
Comprehensive historical data going back to 2002 (and 1998 in some cases)
Global Broadband Statistics is a searchable online database containing global broadband data, including current and historical quarterly subscriber numbers for over 500 broadband operators from more than 100 countries.
Clients can search and compare data by operator, country, region, technology and time period. A facility to perform calculations for net growth, market share, penetration by population and household is included. All charts, images and data tables can be downloaded straight to your desktop.
5-year broadband subscriber number forecasts for 115 countries are part of the service along with tariff data and regular analyst reports looking at growth trends across the broadband market.
Have a look at a sample field lists
How often is the data updated?
New broadband subscriber numbers and tariffs are uploaded to the database each quarter, 3 months after the end of the quarter they refer to.
New broadband analyst reports are published every quarter, 3 months after the end of the quarter they refer to.
A new set of 5-year broadband subscriber number forecasts at country level is published annually.
How is the data gathered?
Our researchers around the world collate information from multiple sources. We compile publically available information from operator reports, regulator reports and press releases as well as utilising our network of contacts at operator and regulator level. Data is fed into a central input database and undergoes a thorough checking process from our team of analysts before publication on our website.
Access Online
Browse the data at world, global region, country and operator level – including tables, graphs and charts to give you quick and easy access to the information you need.
Analyst reports look at trends across different countries, regions, technologies and markets.
Downloadable graphics help you interpret the information, including household and population penetration, operator market shares, growth and technology splits
Title | UK £ | US $ | EUR |
Unlimited users | 4400 | 5800 | 5200 |
1 user | 2200 | 2900 | 2600 |
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