Broadband and the services it supports has become part of life in the UK. It is more important than ever to provide your customers, constituents and stakeholders with access to more bandwidth then ever before. Demand is crystallising, suppliers are investing and there’s more opportunity to augment local supply.
Our postcode data and analysis is used on a daily basis by operators and ISPs with more than 90% of the UK market.
We can deliver data as a flat CSV with all the fields you need or generate a JSON output to push into your database directly. Shape files for direct GIS import and other formats are available on request.
Where is it now?
The most up to date look available on the market. We bring our experience, depth of research and well established and proven process for pinpointing the broadband deployments across the UK today.
Where is each operator and ISP (at postcode level) using which technology and when did they deploy. Monthly outputs available.
We can also add more fields. Current tariffs per operator, speed test analysis, distance from Openreach cabinets and fibre suply and other outputs are available. See the samples below.
Where will it be?
Forecasts to 2030 based on the most complete datasets available. Broken down by operator, technology and postcode and with quarterly updates available. Including metrics on income, time since last upgrade, digital deprivation and overall estimated attractiveness.
Take-up at postcode level by ISP, technology as well as market shares and total penetration. Splits by business and consumer for retail ISPs.
Benchmark your current performance. What is your position relative to where you should be? Are you meeting your deployment and take-up targets?
Postcode Attractiveness Sample
Postcode Attractiveness Meta Data
We have postcode availability data at monthly intervals to the start of 2020 and we can help you with your analysis and inputs you need for your models.
Track the rate of deployment and the rate of FTTP adoption to help you understand what is possible and what that means for you.
The new joint product from Point Topic and thinkbroadband, includes all postcode outputs for availability, operators and ISPs by postcode and technology and take-up and forecasting.
If you don’t need postcodes then we can offer higher level views at any geography for the UK from Census Output Area, LSOA, MSOA, Exchange, Post sector and other options. Contact us to discuss your needs.
Postcode footprints, forecasts and analysis available for more than 110 UK ISPs and operators:
4th Utility FTTP | FW Networks | Relish FTTP | FTTP
| Fibre First | Ridgehill Residents |
6G Internet FWA | Fibre Nest Persimmon | RunFibre FTTP |
Air Broadband FTTP | FibreSpeed FTTP | Rural Comms |
Airband | Fibrus | Rymote FTTP |
Airband FTTP | Full Fibre Ltd | SWS Broadband FTTP |
Alncom FTTP | GNetwork | Sky |
Alncom Wireless | Gigaclear | Solway Comms |
Atlas Communications FTTP | Giganet Ferndown FTTP | Spectrum Internet |
B4RN | Glide | SwishFibre FTTP |
B4SH FTTP | Go Fibre FTTP | TalkTalk |
BT | Go Internet Wireless | Tove Valley |
Balquhidder | Grain Connect | Trooli |
Be Fibre FTTP | Green Co | TrueSpeed |
Beacon Telecoms FTTP | Hampshire Broadband | Upp FTTP |
Black Fibre | Herefordshire CIC | VFast |
Boundless | Hi WiFi | Velocity 1 FTTP |
Box Broadband | Hyperoptic | VirAir |
CallFlow | ITS FTTP | Virgin Cable |
Cambridge Fibre | Internetty | Virgin Gig1 |
CityFibre Braw Band | Jurassic Fibre | Virgin Media RFOG |
CityFibre Giganet | KCOM Lightstream | Vision Fibre |
CityFibre IDNet | Kijoma | Vispa FTTP |
CityFibre Legend Fibre | LightSpeed | Vodafone |
CityFibre Quickline | Lightning Fibre | Voneus FTTP |
CityFibre TalkTalk | Lila Connect | Voneus FWA |
CityFibre Vodafone | LitFibre FTTP | Wessex Internet FTTP |
CityFibre Zen Internet | Lothian Broadband | Wessex Internet FWA |
Colchester Amphora | Lothian Broadband FTTP | Wight Fibre FTTP |
Community Fibre | MS3 FTTP | Wight Fibre FWA |
Connexin FTTP | Northern Fibre Stix | Wildanet |
Country Connect FTTP | OFNL | Wildanet FTTP |
County Broadband FTTP | PineMedia | Wildcard FTTP |
County Broadband FWA | Pure Fibre | You Fibre |
Duplia FWA | Quickline FWA | Zoom |
Ecom | Quickline Rural FTTP | Zzoomm |
Exascale | Raveningham Group | brsk FTTP |
F4RN | Reeth | toob |
Fact Co | Relish Wireless |
Analysis and broadband availability and take-up by operator, bandwidth, technology.
Forecast data and broadband analysis by operator, bandwidth, technology.
Combination of detailed current and historical analysis and forecasts.
Modelling for detailed business cases in your area to secure funding.
from £2,000 up to £80,000
from £2,000 up to £15,000
from £2,000 up to £80,000